Renewable Energy

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  • Fuel Cell Trainer : 50W Fuel Cell Training System

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    Fuel Cell Trainer
    50W Fuel Cell Training System

    Brand: Heliocentris

    The Fuel Cell Trainer is ideal for teaching the basic engineering principles of PEM fuel cell systems. Extensive experimenting capabilities and comprehensive instruction material with predefined experiments make it a complete instruction package.

    • USB interface for easy plug-and-play installation
    • Instruction material for teachers and students
    • Experimentation software and measurement data acquisition
    • Quick guides for a fast introduction to the experiment setups and functions

    Learning Objectives:

    • Structure and operating principle of a fuel cell system
    • Thermodynamics
    • Characteristic curves and efficiency ratings
    • System and power electronics

    Suitable for lectures and hands-on training in the following areas:

    • Electrical engineering
    • Energy engineering
    • Process engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Automotive engineering

    The included software provides support for the experiments in the manual.

    The software allows for recording and exporting of data. The visualisation of the measuring instruments facilitates using the Fuel Cell Trainer in front of larger groups or in a lecture room when using a projector.


    •     Visualization of the measuring instruments
    •     Chronological recording and visualization of the measured values
    •     Computer-supported execution of experiments
    •     Fully automated experiments

    Fuel Cell Module
    A 50 W fuel cell stack with a fuel cell controller, hydrogen flow meter and air supply, as well as five LED displays for visualization of all essential system parameters (current, voltage, temperature, fuel and air supply).

    Electronic Load Module
    The electronic load enables manual or computer.assisted adjustment of constant rated currents for the fuel cell for recording characteristic curves. With LED power display.

    DC/ DC Converter Module
    The module converts the unregulated output voltage of the fuel cell to 12 V DC voltage and can be used for an autonomous power supply to operated 12 V consumers. With LCD displays for useful power and internal consumption of the fuel cell system.

    Traffic Light Module
    The LED traffic light is a realistic sample consumer on a 12 V basis at the output of the DC/DC converter.

    H2 Storage Module
    The metal hydride canister as Fuel Cell Trainer module with a two-storage pressure reducer provides convenient hydrogen supply to the fuel cell for an entire practicum day without compressed gas canisters or the hydrogen generator.


    H2 Connection Kit
    Pressure reducer for 200 bar standard compressed gas cylinders with connecting tube and adapter in two variants for direct supply of the fuel cell or filling of the metal hydride canister.

    Hydrogen Generator HG30
    The PEM electrolyzer enables the convenient generation of hydrogen as needed. It is used instead of a compressed gas cylinder for filling the metal hydride canisters. The system has an integrated safety shut-off with leak detection.
