Reversible Fuel Cell with Integrated Gas Storage Cylinders
This component is a fuel cell and hydrogen generator in one. It is operated with distilled water and requires no caustic solutions or acids. The generated hydrogen is stored safely and directly in integrated gas storage cylinders.
Solar Module
The 5-cell photovoltaic module is used for experiments with solar energy and for generating electric energy for hydrogen production. The practical base facilitates alignment towards a source of light. The module can easily be mounted on the car chassis to make a solar vehicle.
Load Measurement Box
The load measurement box for recording data is used for advanced experiments. Integrated consumers, such as a motor, a lamp and 7 selectable resistors enable numerous experiments such as recording characteristic curves, current and voltage.
Hand Generator
The high-quality hand generator, which simulates wind power, is an alternative to the solar panel. Muscle power is used to generate electrical energy for the separation of water in the reversible fuel cell.
The chassis is designed both for fuel cell operation and solar operation. A single click and two cable connectors are all you need to make the switch. The front axis is steerable and lockable, so the chassis can also be used when space is limited.